We are certified to test for methamphetamine residue, multiple swabs are taken from the individually areas of unoccupied vacant homes, each swab taken will result in either a positive reading for methamphetamine residue or negative result. The results will be known on the same day as testing and the findings of each test will be
recorded including photographs and presented within a typed report generally the following business day.
If a Negative Result
If the testing produces a negative result then no further action need be taken.
If a Positive Result
If positive, we will contact you to discuss the option of testing larger areas of the building; these swabs are then sent to a laboratory for detailed analysis. The additional on-site testing and laboratory costs vary dependant on the number of samples taken, however as a guide these cost are approximately an additional $850 and it takes
approximately one – two weeks for these results to come back from the laboratory. Note: We will not proceed with any further testing other than initial methamphetamine rapid testing unless we receive your approval to carry out additional work.
Pricing options for methamphetamine rapid testing (pricing includes GST).
Option One
Kitchen extractor fan or rangehood, and if applicable to the building the air-conditioners return air grille.
Master bed walls.
Walls of one (1) living area.
Non-face brick garage walls or if face brick then another room within the home.
Option Two
Kitchen extractor fan or rangehood, and if applicable to the building the air-conditioners return air grille.
Master bed walls.
Walls of two (2) living areas.
Non-face brick garage walls or if face brick then another room within the home.
Option Three
Kitchen extractor fan or rangehood, and if applicable to the building the air-conditioners return air grille.
Master bed walls.
Walls of two (2) living areas.
Up to three (3) minor bedrooms.
Non-face brick garage walls or if face brick then another room within the home.
Important Notes
For most accurate results on-site testing should be carried out within a temperature range of 15-30 degrees.
We will only carry out testing on unoccupied vacant homes. We do not arrange cleaning of buildings nor do we test every surface of the building, our testing only identifies if
there is residue from methamphetamine to the areas tested.
Affordable Building Inspections are certified to test for methamphetamine residue. Multiple swabs are taken from the individual areas of unoccupied vacant homes, each swab taken will result in either a positive or negative reading for methamphetamine residue.
The results will be known on the same day as testing and the findings of each test will be recorded including photographs and presented within a typed report.

Perth - Methamphetamine Testing Service Areas
We offer building inspection services carried out by our highly experienced and qualified building inspector in all suburbs of Perth including: Alfred Cove, Applecross, Ardross, Armadale, Ascot, Ashfield, Attadale, Atwell, Bateman, Beaconsfield, Beckenham, Bedfordale, Beeliar, Belmont, Bentley, Bertram, Bibra Lake, Bickley, Bicton, Booragoon, Brentwood, Brookdale, Bull Creek, Burswood, Byford, Calista, Canning Vale, Cannington, Cardup, Carlisle, Casaurina, Champion Lakes, Cloverdale, Como, Coogee, Coolbellup, Cooloongup, Darling Downs, East Cannington, East Victoria Park, Ferndale, Forrestdale, Forrestfield, Gosnells, Hamilton Hill, High Wycombe, Hillman, Hilton, Huntingdale, Jandakot, Kalamunda, Karawara, Kardinya, Kelmscott, Kensington, Kenwick, Kewdale, Langford, Lathlain, Leda, Leeming, Lesmurdie, Lynwood, Maddington, Manning, Martin, Melville, Mount Nasura, Mount Pleasant, Mt Richon, Mundijong, Munster, Murdoch, Myaree, North Lake, Oakford, Oldsbury, Orelia, Palmyra, Parkwood, Parmelia, Perth, Port Kennedy, Queens Park, Riverton, Rivervale, Rockingham, Roleystone, Rossmoyne, Safety Bay, Salter Point, Samson, Secret Harbour, Seville Grove, Shelley, Shoalwater, Singleton, South Lake, South Perth, Southern River, Spearwood, St James, Success, Thornlie, Victoria Park, Waikiki, Walliston, Wandi, Warnbro, Waterford, Wattle Grove, Wattleup, Wellard, Welshpool, Westfield, White Gum Valley, Willagee, Willetton, Wilson, Winthrop and Yangebup.
Mandurah - Methamphetamine Testing Service Areas
We offer Methamphetamine Testing and a full range of building inspection services carried out by our highly experienced and qualified building inspector in all suburbs of Mandurah including:: Mandurah City as well as Barragup, Bouvard, Clifton, Coodanup, Dawesville, Dudley Park, Erskine, Falcon, Furnissdale, Greenfields, Halls Head, Herron, Lakelands, Madora Bay, Mandurah, Meadow Springs, Parklands, San Remo, Silver Sands, Stake Hill and Wannanup. We also cover Golden Bay, Herron, Karnup, Lake Clifton, Nambeelup, North Yunderup, Ravenswood, Singleton, South Yunderup.